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    DCPL Seed Catalog: Spring Time Planting Resources

    By: Christy V. Temple

    Well, spring has finally sprung, although you couldn’t tell it outside right now. However, by the calendar it is official nonetheless. Now is the time to start thinking about your Spring planting needs and what you would like to grow for the upcoming season.

    I will admit to you that I did not inherit my mother’s green thumb at all and yet now that I am older I do have a certain sense of wanting to know how to plant at least a few things in my little back yard. I really would like to be able to afford a raised bed garden that is about waist height, which they do sell on a multitude of online websites. The problem is that these websites can be quite pricey at times and right now I have more pressing issues that need to be taken care of at the moment.

    Anyway, regardless of how much money a person has almost anybody with just a little bit of know-how should be able to at least have a small garden at their abode without too much trouble. There are countless books, websites, Youtube videos, etc. on the subject of planting and gardening. However, how do you know that the information you are getting is decent and can truly answer your questions. Well, I have some ideas in mind as to some sites that might be of interest to those wishing to obtain that “green thumb.”

    So, putting my trusty librarian skills to the test, I am about to list some websites and online resources that I think will be of great help to those novices and masters of gardening too. Roll up your sleeves and get ready to play in the dirt, here are some of the best sites that I have come across in terms of knowledgeable information and being practical to use as well.

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