Android & KY Libraries Unbound
Include Kindle Fire, Kindle Fire HD, Nook Tablet, Nook Color, and other tablets and smartphones that run Android.
Follow these steps to set up your App for the first time:
- Download and install the free app OverDrive Media Console from whatever service you use to get apps (Amazon for Kindle products, Barnes & Noble for Nook products, and Google Play for other Android devices)
- Hit your options button and select Get Books
- Click Add a Library
- Add us by typing in “42301” in the search box and hitting the search button. Choose Daviess County Public Library from the options listed. When you see Kentucky Libraries Unbound, click on the star to turn it yellow, adding it to your favorites.
- Sign in by clicking in the top right hand corner. Choose “Daviess County Public Library” from the list of libraries. Type in your complete library barcode number and hit Sign In. (You may check the “remember my login information on this device” to skip this step in the future.)
- When you attempt to download your first book, you will need to come back to this step! You will be told that you need to authorize your device with Adobe Digital Editions. You will be prompted to create an account with Adobe and to enter an email address, password, and your first and last name. This must be done to open eBooks.
Follow these steps to search for, download, and return eBooks:
- Search for the item you want to check out by clicking on the Magnifying Glass icon in the top right hand corner, which will open up the Search box; if you want to browse, go to Advanced Search, select “EPUB eBook” from the Format menu and choose whatever subject interests you. [Note even if you are using a Kindle product, you will choose “EPUB.” DO NOT choose “Kindle book” because the app will not open Kindle books.]
- If you want to see only copies that you can currently check out (that aren’t checked out to other people), click on the box that says “Available now”
- Hit the Search button
- When you find the book you want, click on the name of the book below the picture of the cover
- You are in a detail screen for the book. If you still want to check out the book, click on the blue “Borrow” button located below the Star Rating
- Hit the button “Download (EPUB eBook)” – [this is the only format you will be able to read on your Android app!]
- The app will automatically begin loading the new title
- To open your ebook, hit your menu button and go to Bookshelf. Select the name of the book to begin reading.
- (Optional) To return your ebook early, go to your Bookshelf and hit the Plus symbol. Then choose “Return/Delete” and then “Return then Delete” to confirm.