Emergency Connectivity Fund

    Can’t afford broadband Internet service? Is lack of Internet access making it difficult for you to continue or further your education, work from home or search for a job, or complete one of the many everyday tasks that require Internet access? The Daviess County Public Library may be able to help!

    Congress has created the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) to pay 100% of residential Internet service costs of eligible participants through June 30, 2022. The library has been authorized to request this funding on behalf of library patrons.

    What this means for you: If you cannot afford home Internet service, you may be eligible to get it for free. Additionally, the library may be able to provide you with a laptop or tablet.

    To help us determine our patron’s needs, please complete this survey. Please provide your contact information to assure that you are considered for ECF assistance.

    Download the printable form here.

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