KY Room Records

    List Of Microfilm/Fiche Records

    Census Records:

    1800: DE, DC, MD, NC, PA, SC
    1810: DE, KY, LA, MD, NC, PA, SC, TN, VA
    1820: DE, DC, GA, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, PA, SC, TN, VA
    1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 & 1930: KY

    Kentucky census index books are available for 1810-1870, microfilm soundex for 1880.
    Kentucky Soundex 1880-1930
    Kentucky Slave schedules for 1850 & 1860.

    Kentucky County Records

    Daviess County:

    Daviess County: Administrator Bonds, 1834-1904
    Circuit Court Case Files Index, 1816-1954
    Commissioner’s Deeds, 1854-1937
    County Court Orders, 1837-1903
    Criminal Case Files Index, 1875-1981
    Deeds, 1815-1995
    Deed – Index, 1815-1989
    Executor Bonds, 1878-1904
    Fiscal Court Orders, 1888-1988
    Guardian Bonds, 1834-1901
    Marriages, 1815-1992
    Marriages for Blacks, 1842-1914
    Marriage – Index, 1815-1985
    Mortgages, 1846-1946
    Oil & Gas Leases, 1907-1950
    Owensboro Chamber of Commerce Minutes, 1913-1916
    Pauper’s Fund Ledger – Poor House Keeper’s Record, 1914-1943
    Plats, 1815-1934, 1969-1990
    Postmaster Appointments, 1832-1971
    Power of Attorney, 1890-1974
    Road Orders, 1871-1966
    Settlements of Estates, 1848-1902
    Tax Lists, 1815-1875, 1880-1892
    Veteran’s Graves Registration by WPA
    Wills, 1815-1992
    Will – Index, 1815-1980

    McLean County:

    Administrator Bonds, 1867-1880, 1898-1908
    Buck Creek Baptist Church Records, 1824-1973
    Calhoun Baptist Church Records, 1889-1975
    Circuit Court Orders, 1854-1897
    County Court Orders, 1854-1899
    Deeds, 1854-1901
    Inventory & Appraisements, 1854-1895
    Marriages, 1854-1911
    Settlements of Estates, 1847-1892
    Tax Lists, 1855-1875
    Veteran’s Graves Registration by WPA
    Wills, 1849-1911

    Ohio County:

    Circuit Court Suits, 1800-ca1900
    Postmaster Appointments, 1832-1971
    Tax Lists, 1799-1875
    Veteran’s Graves Registration by WPA

    Kentucky Military Records

    1890 Census schedules enumerating Union veterans and widows of Union veterans of the Civil War

    Kentucky rejected pensions for Revolutionary War & War of 1812

    WPA’s registration of veteran’s graves for counties of Crittenden thru Elliott, Greenup thru Hart, McCreary thru Pike

    Indexes to the Compiled service records of the Confederate Soldiers (units from the state of Kentucky). Donated by the Mollie Morehead Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy.

    Compiled service records of Confederate Soldiers (KY). Donated by the Mollie Morehead Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy.

    Index to compiled service records of Union Soldiers (KY)

    Compiled Service Records of Union Soldiers (157 rolls, not complete set)

    Kentucky Newspapers

    Beaver Dam (Ohio County) 1934-1950
    Calhoun (McLean County) 1919, 1928, 1930-1931, 1946-1960, 1962-1992
    Central City (Muhlenberg County) 1894, 1926-1927
    Hartford (Ohio County) 1875-1950
    Hawesville (Hancock County) 1853-1854, 1900-1950 (may have issues missing)
    Louisville (Jefferson County) 1971-1974
    Owensboro (Daviess County) 1842-1844, 1862-1867, 1874-present
    Whitesville (Daviess County) 1990-1991
    note: some years have scattered issues

    Kentucky County Tax Lists

    Adair 1802-1878 Jefferson 1789-1840
    Allen 1815-1878 Jessamine 1799-1875
    Ballard 1843-1884 Knox 1800-1829
    Barren 1799-1872 Larue 1843-1875
    Boone 1799-1846 Laurel 1827-1875
    Bourbon 1787-1848 Lincoln 1787-1811
    Boyle 1849-1876 Livingston 1800-1875
    Bracken 1797-1836 Logan 1792-1875
    Breckinridge 1800-1875 Lyon 1863-1875
    Bullitt 1797-1875 Madison 1787-1829
    Butler 1811-1875 Marion 1834-1875
    Caldwell 1809-1848 Marshall 1843-1875
    Calloway 1823-1875 Mason 1790-1809
    Campbell 1795-1808 McCracken 1824-1875
    Casey 1807-1841 McLean 1855-1875; 1879-1887; 1889-1891
    Christian 1797-1875 Meade 1824-1867
    Clark 1793-1850 Mercer 1789-1875
    Clay 1807-1875 Metcalfe 1860-1875
    Crittenden 1842-1875 Monroe 1820-1875
    Cumberland 1799-1875 Montgomery 1797-1826
    Daviess 1815-1875; 1879-1883; 1885-1892 Muhlenberg 1799-1860; 1886-1891
    Daviess 1880-1892 Nelson 1792-1875
    Edmonson 1825-1875 Nicholas 1800-1853
    Estill 1808-1840 Ohio 1799-1875; 1880; 1882; 1884-1891
    Fayette 1787-1848 Oldham 1824-1875
    Franklin 1795-1836 Pendleton 1799-1842
    Fulton 1846-1875 Pulaski 1799-1824
    Gallatin 1799-1857 Scott 1794-1851
    Garrard 1797-1819 Shelby 1792-1852
    Graves 1824-1875 Simpson 1819-1875
    Grayson 1810-1875 Spencer 1824-1875
    Green 1795-1875 Todd 1820-1875
    Hancock 1829-1875; 1880-1882; 1884-1888; 1891-1892 Trigg 1820-1875
    Hardin 1793-1875 Union 1811-1875
    Harrison 1794-1845 Warren 1797-1844
    Hart 1819-1875 Washington 1792-1875
    Henderson 1799-1875 Wayne 1801-1829
    Henry 1800-1837 Webster 1861-1875
    Hickman 1822-1875 Woodford 1790-1842
    Hopkins 1807-1875

    Kentucky Vital Statistics

    Index to Deaths, 1911-1995
    Index to Births by child’s name, 1911-1988
    Index to Births by mother’s maiden name, 1911-1988
    Index to Marriages, 1973-1989
    Index to Divorces, 1974-1989
    Death Certificates, 1911-1953
    Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850, 1860, 1870 & 1880
    Vital Statistics (births, deaths & marriages), 1852-1859, 1861, 1874-1875, 1893-1894, & various years for 1901-1910

    Special Collections

    Kentucky Postmaster Appointments, 1831-1971, for counties of Casey thru Graves and Martin thru Pike

    Church Records: Dawson Baptist, Pleasant Ridge Baptist, Providence Methodist, St. Lawrence Catholic, St. Mary’s Catholic, South Hampton Baptist – all in Daviess County, KY; Goshen Baptist in Breckinridge County, KY; Blackford Baptist in Hancock County, KY; Buck Creek Baptist & Calhoun Baptist in McLean County, KY


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