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    COVID-19 News Sources Without Paywalls

    by Christina Clary

    Right now it may feel as if there is a deluge of information coming at you about the coronavirus and its effects on society. Making sure that what you are reading is accurate is vital, and one way to ensure this is by getting your news from reputable sources. Since you can’t come in to the library to read the papers, here is a list of news sources that have waived their paywall on online coronavirus articles:

    To ensure you keep up to date on what’s going on in the community, go to the Messenger-Inquirer’s website*.
    Evansville Courier Press
    The Owensboro Times+

    The Wall Street Journal
    The New York Times
    The Atlantic
    The Washington Post

    If you just want to keep up with the news in general, check out the websites for the following local newspapers:
    The Hancock Clarion
    The Ohio County News Times
    The Leader News

    * – The Messenger-Inquirer allows 3 free articles
    + – The Owensboro Times allows 10 free articles a month.

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