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Jun 22, 2018 — By: Christy V. Temple
Okay, it’s summer time again officially now and you know what that means. Yes, it means summer vacations are upon us. So, whether you are wanting to go near or far away, it’s time to start thinking about where you would like to go to spend some time with friends and/or family away from the hustle and bustle of work. To help make this process easier I have decided to do a little research to see what are some of the best places for summer vacations. Here is what my research has shown.
Okay, so this first list is taken from the Travel Channel’s online website and it looks at the Top Ten Most Searched Summer Destinations. Here they are in numerical order starting backwards with 10.
10) The Bahamas
9) Miami
8) Catalina Island, California
7) Mackinac Island, Michigan
6) Ocean City, Maryland
5) Amsterdam
4) Virginia Beach, Virginia
3) Bora Bora
2) Dubai
And finally, at long last, the number one researched place for a summer vacation is: 1) Hawaii
Okay, so now you have some idea of what the most researched places are for vacations. Now, let’s take a look at what are the best places for a family vacation.
According to the US News and World Report travel site, here are the topĀ 20 Best Summer Vacations in the USA:
Well, it’s obvious to see that there are plenty of places to go in the good ole’ USA and things to do in the summer months. These are but a handful of places that are highly recommended. However, you don’t have to take my word for it or anybody else’s for that matter. All you need to do is decide for yourself where you really want to go and if you have money in the budget to take a trip. If you do, then what are you waiting for? Take off and see the sights and forget about everything else at home. In life, we all need to learn how to relax and calm down. This is your opportunity to do just that and you should take it seriously. We all should take it seriously because life is too short and we need to enjoy every moment.
So, now that you have a plethora of places to think about and choose from. Get going and enjoy your summer travels. Until next time, arriva derci, bon voyage, happy trails, etc., etc. Also, if you ever need to pick up a travel guide to help you get around your destination, just stop by the Daviess County Public Library and take a look at what we have in our travel section. We have lots of Fodor’s guides and other travel books that might be a big help to you especially if this is an unknown destination.
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